Hi! My name is Filip Todić and I’m a software engineer.

If we ignore a couple of failed attempts, especially during high school, I was (properly) introduced to programming during college. It was the summer after acquiring my bachelor’s degree and I had to decide should I pursue a master’s degree in Geodesy or Geoinformatics.

For better or for worse, that summer I couldn’t find a job as a student, but I did have a book about Python on my desktop. I decided to give programming one last try. This time at my own pace.

I liked it so much that I decided to pursue a master’s degree in Geoinformatics. I also read somewhere that the fastest way to learn programming is by doing various projects. Motivation is always a big factor for me, so I decided on a project connected with my studies. I met some people, we decided on the subject, made a plan and started working on it.

The algorithm and the results of that project won the rector’s award and were published in Elsevier. For a brief moment I considered starting a career in academia, but in the end decided to pursue one in the IT industry instead.

Since then I’ve been working primarily as a backend developer on systems of various scale, ranging from the cadastral system, news publishing industry to IoT. During this period I was mostly focused on improving performance of high-traffic sites, automation of various development workflows, and reviving legacy systems.

I’m really interested in Web technologies, but what I love most is watching machines doing the work for me. There are also a couple of open-source projects I maintain when I find the time, notably centerline and django-rest-framework-jwt.